Friday, September 18, 2015


1898 The Vienna Secession's interest in culture and design brought about word wide advances in art, history, psychology and philosophy. This time had no ties to previous architecture or interior design which helped them lead the way for the Modernism and Art Deco Movements.  The design style protested against Historicism and did not embrace Art Nouveau, however, movement was ideal.

Gustav Klimt, an Austrian symbolist painter, was one of the most prominent members of the Austrian Secession Movement. He believed that there should be unity between art and design. His paintings were a play on the subconscious and included gold paint to create dramatic effect.
Otto Wagner was another designer of the period who designed his furniture to relate to his architecture. Some of his creations include the Postal Savings Bank, Postal Savings Bank Chair and Stool.
Josef Hofman was another important designer. He created the Palais Stoclet building as well as furniture. Some of his furniture pieces include the Morris Chair, Armloffel Chair, Kubus Chair, Palais Stoclet Chair, and Circular Fledermaus Table.
Adolf Loos was influenced by the Arts and Crafts style and created the Cafe Museum Chair.


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Palais Stoclet interior

Modern Applications:

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Moderation of Palais Stoclet Chair

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